Intensity 144 Jawa & Bali

Installation of Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, REIS, and Intensity Meter.

Ensuring the Reliability of the Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, REIS, and Intensity Meter Across 144 Sensor Locations


Jawa Barat, and Bali



Project Scope:

Coordination, Execution, Personnel Qualification, Equipment Support, Integration, Spare Parts Offering, and Post-Sale Warranty for Seismic Monitoring Infrastructure Enhancement.

The Intensity 144 Jawa & Bali project represents a critical initiative in the realm of seismic monitoring and infrastructure enhancement. Focused on Jawa Barat and Bali, this project spans the years 2019 to 2020 and is dedicated to the meticulous maintenance of the Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, Real-time Earthquake Information System (REIS), and Intensity Meter. Ensuring the reliability of these systems across 144 sensor locations is paramount to bolstering the seismic monitoring capabilities in these regions.

Geographical Focus: Jawa Barat and Bali, known for their geographical dynamics, are prone to seismic activities. The deployment of a robust seismic monitoring infrastructure in these areas is not only a response to the inherent risks but also a proactive measure to safeguard communities and critical assets against the potential impact of earthquakes.

Timeframe and Commitment: The project timeline, from 2019 to 2020, underscores the commitment to maintaining and enhancing the seismic monitoring infrastructure promptly. Timely interventions are crucial in ensuring the continuous reliability of the Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, REIS, and Intensity Meter across the designated 144 sensor locations.

Coordination: Effective coordination is foundational to the success of the project. This involves strategic planning, communication, and collaboration among all stakeholders, ensuring a synchronized approach to maintenance activities.

Execution: The execution phase involves the hands-on implementation of maintenance procedures for the Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, REIS, and Intensity Meter. Skilled personnel will carry out inspections, repairs, and upgrades as necessary.

Personnel Qualification: Recognizing the specialized nature of seismic monitoring, personnel qualification is a key aspect. Training programs will be conducted to ensure that the individuals responsible for maintenance are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills required for effective service delivery.

Equipment Support: The project includes provisions for comprehensive equipment support. This encompasses troubleshooting, repairs, and the availability of replacement components to address any unforeseen issues promptly.

Integration: The integration phase focuses on optimizing the synergy between the Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, REIS, and Intensity Meter. This ensures seamless data flow and enhances the overall effectiveness of the seismic monitoring infrastructure.

Spare Parts Offering: An essential component of the project is the provision of spare parts. A well-maintained inventory of critical components ensures a rapid response to equipment failures, minimizing downtime and maintaining continuous monitoring capabilities.

Post-Sale Warranty: The commitment to quality extends beyond the initial implementation. Post-sale warranty services guarantee ongoing support, providing peace of mind and confidence in the sustained reliability of the seismic monitoring infrastructure.


Conclusion: The Intensity 144 Jawa & Bali project is not just a maintenance endeavor; it is a commitment to resilience and community safety. By meticulously attending to the Non-Colocated Accelerograph Network, REIS, and Intensity Meter across 144 sensor locations, this initiative contributes significantly to the preparedness and responsiveness of these regions in the face of seismic events. As we navigate through this timeframe, our goal is to fortify the seismic monitoring infrastructure, ensuring its steadfast reliability and continuous contribution to the safety and well-being of the communities it serves.

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